Gathering of Souls

A Weekly Raising of Our Vibration To Usher In A More Loving World

Are You Ready For An Expanded Heart?

In this constantly changing world with all of its mixed messaging, unpredictability, 
and no sign of relief, are you experiencing: 

  • Uncertainty
  • Fear/Terror
  • ​Grief & Loss
  • ​Anger or Rage
  • ​Powerlessness
  • ​​Disconnection
  • ​Loss of Freedom
  • ​​Limitations or Restrictions
  • Feelings of Being Controlled
  • ​Fatigue by Pressures to Comply

Do you want to raise your vibration for a more loving world? 
For you, your family, community & the entire planet

Expand Your Heart Radiance

Clear Out All Fear & Uncertainty & Magnetise Love & Joy 

Gathering of Souls is a weekly sacred online space where you can connect with a community with the united intention - to gather together in a supportive, open-hearted environment, while gaining a sense of belonging, for the opportunity to release & clear. 
The intention is to maintain our emotional stability during uncertain and trying times, while raising our collective vibration in order to bring in more love and heart-radiance.

This involves meeting online on a weekly basis (every Tuesday evening at 7pm AEDT) in a sacred & soothing space. The first 2 x Online Weekly Gatherings are FREE as part of your trial period. Cancel any time.

The first part of the weekly session focuses on clearing and releasing what no longer serves us, using Faster EFT tapping & other tools.

The second half of the gathering is about doing whatever we can to bring in more love through a variety of heart-focused processes, including Ho'oponopono, guided visualisations, Havening, hypnotherapy & more.  

Our first weekly gathering online is scheduled for 
Tuesday 15th February 2022 at 7pm - 8pm AEDT. 
We will be using Zoom Meetings to connect virtually.

Introducing Your Collaborator, Pam Wright

Pam has been assisting individuals become their best selves for over 20 years' now

In case you don't know me, or don't know me well, my name is Pam Wright and I am a global stress specialist and happiness facilitator. 

I began my journey to finding healing and freedom for myself over 20 years’ ago. I followed my yearning to fulfill my greatest potential. Going on my quest, I gained firsthand knowledge and experiences about searching for inner peace and joy and more than anything else, I consider these as my highest qualifications, whenever I help people who are going on this same journey.

I’ve studied and practiced many modalities. Since coming across tapping, I’ve studied EFT originally through Gary Craig and PET & SET with Steve Wells and David Lake. I obtained my Masters in NLP with Christopher Howard and mastered FasterEFT with Robert Smith.

I have done thousands of hours of personal consulting both in Geelong and Melbourne and via phone/Skype, run numerous workshops using EFT and FasterEFT, and have talked on everything from learning to love yourself to creating prosperity.

Let me share with you what I have learned during my journey. I would also like you to attain peace, happiness, and well-being like I have. 

Pam xo
"For two decades I struggled to find the path to contentment, calmness, and inner peace. I did not fail in my journey. I know that with the right kind of help, you too, can achieve what I have and in a lot less time."

What's Included

Two FREE Online Sessions

Not quite sure yet? 
Why not try our 14 day free trial which includes access to 
2 x free online gatherings (cancel anytime).

Weekly Gatherings

Participate in a live, online group gathering every Tuesday evening at 7pm AEDT. Our first gathering commences Tuesday 15th February.
(First 2 gatherings are FREE).

Video Replays

Can't make it to a live gathering?
Don't worry, you can access the video replay at any time in the secure members' portal.

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